8 Web Design Trends to Keep in Mind for 2020

Trends in web design are always changing. After they show up, some of them last for years and evolve into better things. Others fizzle away quite quickly, not leaving a big enough mark. Many of the trends we saw in 2019 are making it over to 2020, and some are only just becoming popular.

Let’s take a look at some web design trends we’ll see in 2020. 

Mobile First

Mobile-first is a trend that is quickly moving away from trend status towards good practice in web design. Every year, more people are looking at websites on their phones rather than on desktops. That’s why developers and designers are quickly moving towards designing for mobile-first. 

This means that instead of designing for desktop first and then adjusting for mobiles, they design for mobile-first and then adjust for desktops. By doing this in this manner, websites resemble apps and can help with omnichannel marketing.

mobile app

Big Typography

Another trend we have seen growing this year is big typography. Visually, big typography means titles with letters in large point sizes. This design trend has been growing all through 2019. In 2020 it will only keep expanding into more web design layouts. 

In most instances, the big typography is used in hero images and section titles. This trend comes hand in hand with sans, slab, and serif typography. It’s not very common with script fonts or calligraphy.


Source: https://www.deplacemaison.com/


The asymmetry trend has only been growing in 2019. In 2020 we are sure to see much more of it. So much so that it might become a regular trend. The idea behind asymmetry is that websites look less “blocky” and less straight-edged. 

Asymmetrical design on websites makes them much more interesting to look at. There are different levels of asymmetry in design, from slightly asymmetric to loud and strong. The most important thing to remember about asymmetric design is that it always needs to have a visual balance.

elegant theme

Source: https://www.elegantthemes.com/blog/design/making-the-most-of-symmetrical-and-asymmetrical-balance-in-your-web-design

Background Video

Video backgrounds have always been complicated to achieve due to how they can potentially slow down the loading times for a website. Things are getting more accessible in that regard, and it’s not just seasoned developers who are using background video anymore. 

With theme builders and video optimizers, it’s easier than ever to include videos as background in website sections. Videos can be turned into GIFs for even better optimization.

Vertical Split Design

Another trend we’ve been seeing grow through the year and will surely grow in 2020 is the use of vertical color split sections. This trend is used to create two separate info sections in the same space or separate a division into two colors.

In some cases, the vertical split is used throughout an entire site or only in some sections. There are lots of different styles for this trend, so we’re sure it will evolve in 2020.


vertical split design

Source: https://www.elegantthemes.com/blog/design/making-the-most-of-symmetrical-and-asymmetrical-balance-in-your-web-design

Micro animation

Micro animation is a trend we’ve seen grow for a few years now. It only seems to be getting bigger for 2020. Micro animations are used for loading designs, backgrounds, decorative elements, and navigation.

What we used to see only in unique off the cuff sites is now almost a common trend. When micro animation and illustration meet together, some amazing things happen.

Three Dimensional Design

The 3D design comes in many shapes and forms. What we started seeing in 2018 and 2019 were elaborate three-dimensional illustrations. The trend has moved to more straightforward and less flashy designs.

Three-dimensional designs are used for text sections, photo galleries, services pages, product photographs, and much more.


3d design

Source: https://www.awwwards.com/how-to-implement-3d-and-ar-to-your-website-with-vectary.html

Voice Search

Voice search has been around for a while, but it’s gained traction this year. Next year we’ll be seeing lots more of it. Web design for voice search is all about answering the right questions. This trend is a mix of design and SEO research.

Don’t forget; it’s also about using the right images and adding the correct meta descriptions to them. 

Bonus: Accessibility

Designing websites for accessibility isn’t precisely a trend; it’s more of a necessity. At this point, no website should avoid optimizations for accessibility. This includes design aspects like the color choice for color blindness, optimization or screen readers, and well thought out image descriptions.


If you are an aspiring web designer, trying out these trends will help you get better at the craft. If you are against using trends when you design, then knowing these will help you better communicate with clients. A conversation with a client can be about if they want or don’t want to follow a trend in the final design.

We hope these web designs will inspire your web design projects now and in the future.