Why should you use online design tools?

Nowadays the internet is ahead of all other sources of information and data collecting. A lot of traditional actions that people used to make daily are taking place on the web, which can hold any data that is added, for the sake of the users who search for it and use it. The online tools make it possible to continue planning and execute various activities: libraries, public institutes, universities, and any organization, work through the net and make it possible to move any activity to the internet platforms.



Graphic design had also transferred to the computers and the internet and is used and shared for many important tasks. Digital design is not a very convenient area for making changes (some graphic tools are still called pen etc.). However, the change had to come. Computer graphic is easier for creating designs and previewing the results.

Nowdays we have the online design tools, which are an entirely different world for users. So how did it evolved and why are they so good for us?

In this big picture, we all use design tools, even if we do not notice it: In mobile apps and sharing, whenever we change the size or color or add text to a picture. GUI is the Graphical User Interface, which enables us to use the mouse, drag and drop, and other essential computer functions.

However, when it comes to using design tools, they are considered as something that is too professional for the typical users. Some tools do need the practice to use them properly, but most design tools are easy enough to be learned and participate.

The rise of digital graphic design

  • Graphic design makes all the journals, books, and products packages so nice and pretty. Without it, our world would be boring. It also has a significant impact on the development of machines, engineering, science and Urban development.
  • The tradition graphic design used to draw symbols, words or combination of text and picture which now days are translated to logos, posters and ads. Digital graphic design is a whole new world of opportunities that continue to grow with the development of digital channels and apps.
  • It all started in the 80′ of the 20th century when computers’ software application was able to produce and present progressive images and typographic which could not be created by man or by non-digital tools.
  • In 1990, most of the web designer needed to have a graphic background, to be able to design the correct shapes and sizes of their digital materials.
  • The first browsers wad released in 1996, it included support for style sheets, and later on CSS. HTML had very limited styling options, leaving the gap for flash which was limited, yet easy to create and draw.
  • As applications and browse continue to be developed, they opened a window to a whole new world of data, communication and designing opportunities. Open source platforms made it easy to design and create new features. W3C released HTML5 standard and made it obvious, digital design belongs to (almost) everybody.


Internet designing must include the right shapes, sizes, and colours, which also use for commercial websites and ads. The use of graphic editors and vectors enables designers to fit their designings to web formats since codes such as javascript can be utilized through software or online tools. The next step was the interactive functioning of plug-ins and, at last, the online tools.


8 benefits that you get for using online design tools

However, all of this is platform’s backend. What interests you is what are the benefits that you, the user, are getting from online design tools?

  1. It is online – Specially made to match the environment technology priorities.
  2. Accessible platform – All you have to do is sign in, and you have your own panel for creating and managing your designs.
  3. Plenty of management options – Online design tools platforms have dashboards that help you create your account, set privacy, manage and save your files, download or share them with colleagues and networks.
  4. Don’t have to design if you do not want to – Design tools have various of defaults functions that you can use, combine, drag and drop, or use with very simple button clicks, and it also lets you create your own designs by using the tools functions.
  5. Frankly, it is pretty cheap – And sometimes free of charge. It depends on how complicated you want your design to be (text, calligraphic, pictures, photos, colors, frames, etc.) and for purpose.
  6. It is useful – You can use your design for wide range of purposes, print poster, E-book, presentation, website, social media.
  7. It is forever yours – As long as you hold the agreement that allows you that you have the authority on your pwn creation.
  8. It is all about you – All those complicated back-end programs and applications come down to one purpose – To create a helpful online design tool for your user experience.