Free photos to tell any story

Find millions of top-quality photos that will leave your audience speechless

The right photo for every moment

Surf categories of professional photos to express your ideas and connect with your audience

Keep consistency in your designs

Ensure consistency in your creative process by easily finding all the photos in the same series

The inspiration gallery

Explore curated collections and discover images, moods, and styles to ignite your creativity

Exclusive Photo Lifestyle
Exclusive Photo Lifestyle
Exclusive Photo Lifestyle


150 resources
Exclusive Photo Still Life
Exclusive Photo Still Life
Exclusive Photo Still Life

Still Life

50 resources


100 resources


80 resources

Edit your photos easily online

Crop, adjust, add filters, and make your photos look their best with our intuitive Photo Editor.

Go to Photo Editor

Freepik’s free picks


  • To edit any of the images you search on Freepik, you can download the asset and use your editor of preference. If you don't have any editing software or if you have one but need to become more familiar with it, you can use Freepik's online editor. With this tool, you can edit a wide range of vectors, PSD files, and photos. Just select any Freepik photo, and you'll find the Edit online button to open the editor.

  • In Freepik's online Image Editor, you can perform some of the most demanded tasks by professional designers or photographers. That includes removing the background of an image. Open the editor and find the "Remove Bg" button at the top left, with which you can automatically delete the background of any image.

  • Freepik allows you to use all free resources for personal and commercial projects. However, when you use free resources, you must give credit to the author by using the line “Designed by Freepik”. We recommend you check our attribution rules.

  • You can use Freepik photos for commercial purposes as long as the end product complies with our usage rules. Depending on the license, you can use a copyrighted image for your projects. All Freepik’s images are copyrighted, but you can use them as long as the usage complies with our license rules.